Tynedale are offer visiting supporters an excellent three course pre-match lunch at £25 including car park, entry to ground and stand, and programme. If you would like to book contact Tynedale on 01434 609265 or mobile 07742 950474. If anyone is interested Tynedale could do with booking details by Wednesday 26th September. If anyone who has booked a lunch is delayed, for example in traffic, let the Club know on the numbers above, and they will try to keep their lunches for them. Of course there is the usual range of hot and cold bar snacks (bacon rolls, pie and peas etc.) and local real ale.
For any visitors wishing to stay overnight and/or looking for a good meal the following pubs are owned by one of Tynedale sponsors.
1. The Duke of Wellington, Newton (10 mins drive from the ground, Best Country Gasto Pub Award 2011/12) www.thedukeofwellingtoninn.co.uk, 01661 844 446 info@thedukeofwellingtoninn.co.uk
2. The Bay Horse, Stamfordham, (20 mins drive from the ground) www.bayhorsestamfordham.co.uk, 01661 855 469, info@bayhorsestamfordham.co.uk
3. The Angel of Corbridge, Corbridge (10 mins walk from the ground) www.theangelofcorbridge.com 01434 632119 info@theangelofcorbridge.com
If you require any further information that is not available on website call the numbers above or contact Cinderford on 01594 822 673.