Funeral arrangements for Jack Adams

Funeral arrangements for Jack Adams

Following the tragic loss of Jack Adams last week, we wanted to confirm arrangements for Jack’s funeral. Below is a message from Jack’s family about the funeral. The funeral will be held at Gloucester Cathedral at 3pm on Thursday 8th July, followed by a...
Funeral arrangements for Jack Adams

Jack Adams

You may well have already seen announcements on social media, but with great sadness, we confirm that Jack Adams passed away on Saturday 12th June following a short illness. Jack was just 34 years of age, and tragically leaves behind a very young family. At such...
NCA rebrand to National League Rugby confirmed

NCA rebrand to National League Rugby confirmed

The NCA are pleased to announce that we can now proudly call ourselves National League Rugby. Following a general meeting to rebrand levels 3 and 4, our name change was officially approved by the RFU Council on Friday afternoon. With our levels of the game slowly...
Funeral arrangements for Jack Adams

Former Player Jack Adams diagnosed with Cancer. Fundraising Appeal

It is with great sadness that we share the news that former player, Jack Adams, is suffering from cancer. This was first diagnosed, out of the blue, in just mid-April 2021. He’s received treatment and has been incredibly brave and remained in good spirits...